Get Involved

Here’s 5 steps to get you started!





1. Gather your Easter eggs (or a gift of your choosing)

(a) Set up a ShareTheMiracle Station and receive donations of eggs – why not ask people to donate a nest of eggs (e.g. 10, 50, 100, 500) OR

(b) Ask an individual or company to sponsor eggs (e.g. a local supermarket, business proprietor) OR

(c) Welcome donations from which to buy eggs – don’t forget to negotiate with the supplier! OR

(d) Buy eggs from a local store or via our website. Click HERE for more details 

*ShareTheMiracle may be able to offer groups chocolate eggs/donations as resources permit


2. Decide what you’d like to invite people to

An invitation is a great way to form friendships and build community. You choose what to invite people to but here are a few ideas to get you started:

Schools: Open day, concert, quiz, exhibition

Businesses: Product launch, volunteer for ShareTheMiracle, Family fun day, other CSR initiative

Churches: Easter service, youth group, parent & toddlers group, luncheon club, movie night

Local Councils: Intergenerational project, community event, family fun day

Neighbours: Street party, dinner, a coffee

Who do you want to connect with? Examples could include your Neighbours, the homeless person at the end of your street, the elderly, Saturday shoppers, colleagues in the office or those unwell in hospital. Be creative!

This will be different for each group and align with your local vision and passions. What’s happening in your community? What are the needs? Where are your passions? Decide with whom you’d like to engage and be creative!

Use your network. What individuals/groups are you already working with? What existing contacts do you have?


3. Order your FREE* ShareTheMiracle Easter card invitations

2015&16+InsideClick HERE to email your request for cards (*P&P cost only thanks to a kind sponsor!)

(a) Manually write the details of your event into the pre printed invitation template OR

(b) Place a printed sticker within the card highlighting your event details OR

(c) Insert an invitation or flyer to a pre arranged or new event


4. Give out your eggs and invitations!

From mid March through to the Easter weekend (30 March- 1 April) reach out to your community through the giving of chocolate eggs and ShareTheMiracle Easter invitation cards.

Why not gather friends, colleagues, your social network, members of a local church to help you

* By doing this you will join thousands of others up and down the country in engaging their local communities.


5. Share Your Story with us!

Don’t keep it to yourself! Record the experience, from the giving of the gift to the event itself, and share through ShareTheMiracle. This helps to inspire and encourage others to get involved too!

Use a pen and paper, your mobile phone, camera or video camera to record what happened and then share on one of our social media sites or by email:





We say ‘Write it, Snap it, Film it, Share it!’
